
Earning Points

Each week, a winner (weekly MVP) will be selected based on overall engagement and hard-work to win awesome stuff like free swag or a discount on your next food delivery. Total points collected in the app will strongly influence who this person is. You can locate your current points on your challenge dashboard in the app.


How Do I Earn Points?
You can earn up to 2550 points total and achieve different levels.



You can also earn points by checking off healthy habits daily. We’ll show you a daily questionnaire in the app to ask you things like:

How do you feel?
Did you workout today?
Did you sleep at least 6 hours last night?


What Are Points Used For?
Each week, a challenger MVP will be selected based on overall engagement and hard-work. If you are one of our top point earners you will have the chance to win awesome stuff.

*Points do not directly determine the overall grand prize winner.

Plus, keep an eye out for Bonus activities worth 100+ points!  Advance to the next level after hitting the following points

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250 points - Target Tackler

500 points - Goal Getter

1000 points - Momentum Musketeer

1500 points - Willpower Warrior

2000 points - Habit Hero

2500 points - Challenge Conqueror


What Are Points Used For?
Each week, a challenger MVP will be selected based on overall engagement and hard-work. If you are one of our top point earners you will have the chance to win awesome stuff.

*Points do not directly determine the overall grand prize winner.